7 Jan 2010


My fingers typed furiously on the black keyboard. I clicked on the 'comment' button.
'Bist du sicher, dass du deine Verbindung mit ihm entfernen möchtest?" I moved the cursor over 'Ja'. But little did i know that after few weeks..

I felt so helpless and alone. My alarm continued to beep. But my brain refused to let go of that connection. I continued to fall and fall, into the endless unknown black hole of dreamland.

Gasping for air, i woke up. An hour later than i intended to. I lied breathlessly under my thick blanket, curling into a ball, sleepy beside me, hoping that all anguish will vanish into thin air like water vapour. " Just leave me alone now that your selfish wish came true, " i whispered weakly.
(sleepy is a bear, my sleeping mate, who is assigned a duty similar to a lullaby. Hence, the name sleepy. Yes, i am that creative.)

I splashed cold water on my face. Away you go, nasty Mr. Gloomy! It's the third time since Christmas. Please let this be the last. Now that my mind is cleared and i tried hard to recall what happened in that dream, i could think of nothing. Perhaps it is better this way. Ignorance is bliss.

But i realised one thing, no matter how many 'delete' i clicked, no matter how encounter in future is avoided, no matter how much i wanted and have erased history and memory, through a way we are still connected and there isn't any 'delete' or 'disable' button. None. Nichts. Tiada. 无。

I hate nightmares.


YuZi said...

i'm confusing...
wat did u dreamt?

Foxxy & Ah ben said...
